Healing Techniques for an Aspiring Empath:
Hi and Welcome to my new blog post. Today I will write about a few Healing Techniques that I have been able to develope in my years as an Empath. But first I will give a quick description of what Empathy is.
The origins of the word Empathy:
From Greek empatheia = affection ---> equivalent to em - path ---> páschein (German) to suffer.Empathy as a curse? Or gift?
At first many do consider this assault of emotions which one barely is able to discern if it belongs to "you" or "someone else". In that sense yes it does not appear as much of a blessing. Going outside and being surrounded by large crowds makes you feel uncomfortable, because you are able "tap" into other peoples and at times animals inner most emotions and actual intentions. One can almost say we "invade" into others privacy.

These are dilemmas all Empaths need to go through. How you choose to deal with it is up to you. However our Empathy can be useful in terms of encouraging our friends or family to pour out their insecurities, and help them with advice and make them feel better. And when you can see that grateful smile on their face, does it not make you feel "warm & fuzzy inside"? It certainly makes me feel that way
When I was in training as a nurse. I was told that I should not take upon myself the pain and suffering of the patients and their families. Because it could affect you as a nurse and the morale of the patient. This was Empathy..
But a few years prior when I was twelve years old my own spiritual gift of empathy had awoken. I remember being so frightened and confused. When the boys had a football hit their crotch..Ohhh how I could feel that! So if some boys/men are reading this I literally feel for you. I can see why you have to go to your knees.
Oh! but enough about me...time to write down those healing techniques don't you think?
Basic Preperation:
In all forms and versions of energy work. Energy is needed, as a Healer you will use from YOUR energy reserves to help another person. You will get tired when you have been out jogging. And feel refreshed once you have taken a shower or had something to eat.So to help building up energy you can do these things before beginning.- Shower/ Take a Bath (A great way to gather energy and make your body relax)
- Eat (Preferably so that you do not feel hungry.)
- Drink (Something warm or cold. I would suggest tea, cocoa/hot chocolate, or cold water )
- Stretch (Your arms and legs and prepare yourself)
- Breathing exercise 2-3 times before you begin.
When the Healing Session is Over repeat the same as the above. This will prevent some of the occuring tiredness and possible headaches that so many experience.
Emotion Transfer:
This technique is one of the first "accidental" healings an Empath may experience. You might try to comfort a classmate, a friend or a family member. Touching their arm or back by chance? And suddenly you may feel a surge or rush of energy swooping through your arm. And a few moments later you experience the exact emotions that entered you a few moments ago. The person who used to have these emotions now appear "back to normal" while you feel those emotions bubbling inside you.
I'd like to call this an incomplete healing technique. Because it happens so suddenly and most are unaware on how to get rid of the emotional impact.
However I can give you one suggestion: Find something, a jar or box or go outside then close your eyes and tell the strange new energy to enter the item. Then close the lid and let it stay there.
Recycling; Benefits for the Empath and Patient:
Recycling Healing is a personal technique of mine that I have evolved gradually. And it can be done both face to face and by long distance healing.
First focus on locating the energy of your "target". This can be achievied by repeating the targets nickname/ or actual name. At this point you will be able to feel, a temporary connection with your targets own energy. Now it is up to you, to find the energy that needs recycling. The sensation of such energy be it negative or caused by some form of pain or suffering, can be experienced as a "pulse" "pull". You still with me? Good on to the next step..
You need to take this energy somehow...so cup your hands together like a small bowl. And tell the energy to float into this bowl. When that is done, bring back the bowl outside your body. And then repeat slowly..."Negative to Positive, return to your original form." <-- you can make up your own repitive words that may work better for you. Since we are this far in the process, take the bowl from earlier and allow it to enter your body. Then take out an equal amount of your own energy into the bowl, and send it back to your target. This energy will "patch up" and adapt to what was removed from earlier.
Good Luck.
Empaths Reducing Touch:
This is also a healing technique I have developed over the years. As Empaths we have a very unique role in seeing all sides of a person. Many times loved ones or people you know may suffer from a painful illness. We are not doctors of science, We are healers of the psyche and spirit. Let us say someone is in great pain and they are at deaths door? Us Empaths are unable to bring them back from their borderline. However we can with this little method...lessen the suffering and some pain. So that they either may heal accordingly or in a more sad situation die in peace..
Focus on the targets name. Connect with the energy and repeat as many times as you see fit
/Allow the pain to retreat, let this ....(person insert name) have some peace/
-Dampen the pain, reduce this suffering- In all honesty I suggest you get creative and make something that makes sense to you. These are the words I prefer to use.