Soul! But first i'm going to add some boring etymology to the word soul before we begin properly.
A soul is?
the principle of life, feeling, thought, and action in humans, regarded as a distinct entity separatefrom the body, and commonly held to be separable in existence from the body; the spiritual part ofhumans as distinct from the physical part.
the spiritual part of humans regarded in its moral aspect, or as believed to survive death and besubject to happiness or misery in a life to come: arguing the immortality of the soul.
the disembodied spirit of a deceased person: He feared the soul of the deceased would haunt him.
before 900; Middle English; Old English sāwl, sāwol; cognate with Dutch ziel, German Seele, Old Norse sāl,Gothic saiwala
before 900; Middle English; Old English sāwl, sāwol; cognate with Dutch ziel, German Seele, Old Norse sāl,Gothic saiwala
You all got this down I hope? Lovely now lets continue to my own view of the soul.
My Soul is...

I have been told by so many that I am such a confusing person. "It is so difficult to grasp your personality. One minute you are social and laughing.The next minute you become serious and focus on more important tasks. Its like you become a whole new person"
Was the words from my teacher a few years ago. He said this in such a way that made me wonder. Do I have multiple personalities? Noo way...I thought that can't be right, sure ok I do talk to myself but who doesn't do that?
Then I thought back to how my life had shaped me. I was bullied, ridiculed, taught things other children my age found disgusting. I found earth worms, beetles and toads cute! They ARE cute! So being serious is one... another...lets see if I can show you apart of me that is my special mind space, this is also apart of myself and my soul
This is awfully similar to my mind space, my own hideout inside my...mind...the clucking river, stone altar a distance from the river itself, and where all the paths cross a giant tree...where doors to other worlds open...and I can't forget the waterfall with the cave behind...
This is awfully similar to my mind space, my own hideout inside my...mind...the clucking river, stone altar a distance from the river itself, and where all the paths cross a giant tree...where doors to other worlds open...and I can't forget the waterfall with the cave behind...
You all have your own mind spaces. Maybe it is similar to my forest grove?
How others see the soul?

Some believe the soul is influenced by what our brain does.
Some believe the soul is a complicated matter of energy, chi,qi..
Quite many who have read fiction, new age and neo paganism since the 60's and 70's Have become more aware of things they never thought of until THAT one story struck a cord within their "soul"?
This train of thought can apply to many awareness groups and I can only mention a few of those I have come across
New Agers, Starseeds, Otherkin, Vampire communities and lifestyles, curious people with spiritual interests and hobbies.
"Dearest child carry many names alike"
This is a saying from my country and the reason why I'm using it here is because it will fit so well.
The Soul has many names, different meanings the same "essential function" and these names are..
This is how my current post will end. Because my soul is weary and my words have been sent..
until next time enjoy!