Alright now ready? Good!
Starseeds are "people" who claim to not have had reincarnations on this planet we call earth. Though I have come across some, who do say they have been to Earth a few times already. Their souls are not human in the sense we usually grasp it, they have had lives in other dimensions, galaxies and even on the stars in some constellations we might know all too well...
I will mention some of the ones I have "learned of" though I cannot promise you to believe this right away.
Pleiades/ Pleiadian Starseeds (The Seven Sisters; Star Cluster):
I'm most certain that you have come across The Seven Sisters up in the sky, did you ever think that someone else lives there?
Arcturians ( Arcturus is the brightest star; in
the constellation Boötes ):
Draconian Starseeds: From what I have learned Draconians were originally from another dimension/galaxy. I don't remember exactly where though. The Draconians appears well versed in warfare, magic, politics, wisdom and well some good amounts of ego. But which species doesn't?
Dragone Starseeds: When it comes to Dragones, they seem to have aquired a keen interest in becoming quite power hungry, and even going as far as incorparating human DNA into their own genetics to become a hybrid between human and dragone. And also have a history of clashing with their Draconian opposites.
Orion Starseeds: I'm not that familiar with Orion Starseeds, but they do claim to have been born in the constellation of Orion the Hunter. If my understanding is accurate they had smaller communities strewn across the eight other stars making image of this hunter we humans know so well.
Sirian Starseeds:
The Clearest Star in the sky and apart of the constellation Canis Major.Although I'm not certain about what culture nor what language once was apart of this place.
Lyran Starseeds/ Lyra Constellation:
Although a small constellation Lyra has the second brightest star Vega after Arcturus.
Not to familiar with these starseeds either, though perhaps they had a large music and artistic inspired culture?
Andromedan Starseeds/ Andromeda Galaxy:
We have gotten this far. And now this is a galaxy not just a few clusters of stars in a constellation. But a whole Galaxy, however my knowledge of this society is unknown to me.
Reptilians: Like the other Starseeds I'm sure there are some good and some not so good reptilians. Though if I am to believe what I have heard, one group of Reptilians decided to start a huge war that if they had won. Would have crumbled the universe to ruins, which appears to be the reason why so many starseeds seek to reincarnate on earth.
Their purpose for being here?
Reason 1: Quite many of the Starseeds I have spoken to. Seems to be on Earth to help humans into something called ascension, or a higher purpose if you will. This ascension will then lead to the earth moving into another dimension of energy frequencies.. According to them, once we have reached this goal. Our planet will become a lot more peaceful.
Reason 2: Something the Starseeds call the Intergalatic Federation. From what I have gathered floats just above our planet, and we don't even notice them? It appears they protect the Earth from attacks of other Aliens with the goal to destroy or taking over our planet.
Reason 3: This I just learned of quite recently. Some kind of aliens, are feeding off from the energy of humans. As if we were a wandering buffet. Now I don't understand why? Nor whom these aliens might be.
At this point in time. I'm still very insecure and uncertain about these Starseeds, I mean I believe in otherkin so why not starseeds? Right?
Could it be because I'm so fond of this planet and its energies. Outer space is always interesting and fun from planets,stars and constellations, however starseeds living in human bodies...aliens have been helping humans way back in history? That does not fit right with me, I believe us humans of Earth have managed well on our own until now. Is it that wrong to believe we humans are capable of standing on our own two feet..
And let us say these aliens did help us. Why did they leave us then? So we would have to rediscover into even more primitive technology then what these Aliens had spoiled us with ideas? Kill each other in order to expand our cultures...yet we have evolved on our own I'd boldly claim.
Until I find a new box of a bit little less known knowledge to share. Have a good time ahead.
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