
Wednesday, June 13, 2012

A Witch in Bible School a Reflection from a Young Witch

A Witch in Bible School a Reflection from a Young Witch

The old ones give us tests each year to improve our belief. Our way of life… correct am I? This year it was my time to test my loyalties towards the witchy path I have chosen

Overview: Concept and similarities.

Well how about this. I have been filled with what Christians call the Holy Ghost. The sensation is like euphoria of joy and happiness, quite similar to when we accept our gods to enter us. We allow our bodies to become channels. They preach in strong belief “Your connection with God has to become a lifestyle” Similar to our own beliefs way of life isn’t it? Pentecostal Christians use the power of an old name, an old language long forgotten. They call it speaking in tongues. They believe when you have gotten the gift of tongues, you are close to God himself and in your faith and belief to him.

The devotional energy surrounding everyone of honored practice and goodness. The love that flickers across the meeting hall, I’ll have to admit it reminds me of a ritual one of OUR rituals. Think back to one of your first rituals. What exactly did it make you feel? Normally it is pleasant and you become a container of healing and pure energy from our universe and the ancient ones. Quite odd when I thought about it today after a morning meeting, I overslept yet I was encouraged by the old ones to go. “Just go and learn” I believe they told me.

Fine I thought I might as well get up, I did and sat down in the back and observed those who preached. It’s not like “ordinary” church sermons either. It becomes a coven without them knowing it, they have strong beliefs that with “God and the Holy Ghost’s ” help. They manage to heal, I doubt because of his help although due to the fact that they are able to call such names so strongly and with the right intent.  Every single meeting becomes like a full out ritual.

Name… Belief…Power…

Think about those words. I’m sure many of you who will read this have grown up and been raised in a Christian home. Yet so many of us have returned to the roots of our ancestors, what we today call pagan or wiccan. “A dear child holds many names” is a saying from Norway. And well it is true the universe is a powerful child, and quite dear to many. What many of these Pentecostals do not realize is that they draw “healing” energy from themselves and the universe at the same time. Normally giving small chants such as “Hallelujah” “Thank you Lord” “yes Thank you Jesus” “Amen Amen”

The more people give belief into these names. These chants, thus stronger they become. Haven’t our mentors and books said the same? A name is power? Belief is power?        

Being filled with the Holy Ghost?

I already told you a bit of how this so called “The Holy Ghost” works. I can only meagerly compare it to our fifth element. Tonight hands of prayer were laid on me it was quite the same as last night. But tonight I actually lost every feeling of my legs and arms. Like my bones vanished and I was only rubber. Luckily someone caught me, but still the sensation was quite surreal. I guess a majority of you have read or seen Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets? Well you know when Lockhart tries to “fix” Harry’s arm and all his bones disappear. And compare that sight with a champagne bottle about to burst due to the pressure.

Ancient connections toward modern times:

Pentecostal a Christian free spirited branch (to a certain extent mind you) Paganism/Wicca coiled around the ancient ways.  A few things we can compare is; number three (3) in Christianity – Father/Lord –Son – And the Holy Ghost. Number three (3) in Paganism/Wicca – Three fold law – Triple God/Goddess, the more I reflect upon this the Pentecostal Christians are kind of like a coven of pagans or wiccans. They seek spiritual awareness from “One God” they allow angels to “”push them closer to god”” Just as we allow our guides to push us a little and advice us, towards new revelation; ß- Can’t believe I used a rather common biblical word just there @.@

Acting to observe and understand:

Now this is what I do these days I set a shield around my abilities. That way those preachers won’t be able to read me at all. I know it is quite risky, but needed for me to survive this year. It will also be slightly easier to “become one of them” when my abilities is on time out. By accepting their spiritual element I might be able to succeed in my lesson.  Even though I do feel frightened, every meeting is slightly different.  I’m still well aware that the goddess wanted me to attend this school. While I listen to their preachers, I think through to find similarities. Seek out some kind of loophole they have forgotten. If I’m lucky I might find it, although I have to keep repainting my mask every morning.

More about the speech of tongues:

Recent observations do show that their ancient language of tongues.  Is in fact connected to their ancestors past, originated “land” hence why those who speak it pronounce and use different words. Each accent of tongue speech also seems to hold and elemental strength, seeing that I’m an empath. I can easily manage to locate the elemental/ancestral energies attached to their so called “praises to god”.  I can even dare say each tongue accent plays out each personality, I guess it can be compared to a tarot, hand or zodiac reading. Don’t you think? They believe speaking in tongues is what they call a “mercy gift” and as I mentioned above it supposedly brings you closer to God. I doubt I will start speaking or writing in tongues after this year, but it is interesting to watch and feel how the energies float about during prayer.

One downside of being here:

There are in fact three demons in my classroom. They snigger and laugh during every bible class, I seem to be the only one who manage to notice. They are simply oblivious to the fact of “others” being around, simply to set on ONE goal. ONE GOD! That they can’t have any balance around them, well they think they have it. Not certain why they are attached to that classroom though. Guess that is another lesson for me. Another after effect of my own on and off with my abilities, stretches my attention span as well as the effect of my abilities. Even my personal shields had to be temporarily strengthened by a friend of mine,  it has simply become the most troublesome test the goddess so far has given me.

Which thoughts do you find after reading this simple text?

Have you thought of a similar comparison before?

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