
Saturday, November 15, 2014

Faerie Hounds

It has been quite a while since my last blog post finally I will be able to share some of my discoveries that seems so rarely touched upon by Celtic inclined pagans these days, especially seeing as so many claim to work with the Faerie Folk and yet. They have not been introduced on how to get a contract with their loyal hounds. Best of luck to my readers.

Now these are an interesting bunch to observe.  Fairly infamous for their red tipped ears and white fur, and sometimes beady red eyes, however that is from their more frightening aspects.  Now you might be familiar with this description but under other names such as Cwn Annwn, also been believed to have participated in the known Wild Hunt. And vividly captured souls and dragged them to the Welsh underworld or Annwn, or in modern folklore Hell. However Hell hounds are a bit more different than Fae Hounds. You might think why I have dubbed them as “Faerie Hounds” and not by their more common namesakes, well I hold a connection or contracts with the Celtic Faerie courts. These courts are roughly known as Summer & Winter courts or the more degrading naming as blessed and unblessed courts.  By faerie as in formerly dead humans or aspects of nature/thought-forms who gained a spectral or spiritual form.  By tradition the Fae have “stables” of these hounds, each pack born for one specific person of faerie origins. Or to a human the Faerie may favour or hold a specific bond with.  If you happen to have former experience, of working with the Celtic faerie realms, this may become easier for you.

Faerie Hound Contract Meditation:

Find a comfortable place, where you can relax. Find some Celtic inspired music or folk music to more easily adapt into the gateways to the Celtic Faerie Realms.  To me that gate appears like a wooden door in the tree trunk. It can take either to the lands of Spring / Summer court or to the lands of Autumn/ Fall/ Winter court.  Before this decision it might be wise to consider which seasons you feel more at “home” with. For me it is Autumn / Winter court that rings more with me, what will be your choice? Whichever choice you make it will lead you to a set of stables. Similar to Horse Stable’s although slightly different, you may be met by the Stable groundskeeper. Who is a rather old Fae, and he will demand respect, If you pass his small tests (I cannot rely what kind of tests he will give) you will be getting a fine lecture of the tending and care of a faerie hound pack of roughly 2-3 or 4-8 puppies it may vary. Then you will be led to your packs small den, and you will be able to get to know and bond with them. 
After this meeting; You can choose to summon your faerie hounds one by one or as a whole unit. To either grant protection and healing to your friends. Or have them attack and rip a person’s emotions to shreds. Be noted that summoning them will take up and away your energy so remember to eat before you summon them.

Now this is all for now. Hope you survived the long read.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Healing Techniques for an Aspiring Empath

Healing Techniques for an Aspiring Empath:

Hi and Welcome to my new blog post. Today I will write about a few Healing Techniques that I have been able to develope in my years as an Empath. But first I will give a quick description of what Empathy is.

The origins of the word Empathy: 

From Greek empatheia = affection ---> equivalent to em - path ---> páschein (German) to suffer.

Empathy as a curse? Or gift?

At first many do consider this assault of emotions which one barely is able to discern if it belongs to "you" or "someone else". In that sense yes it does not appear as much of a blessing. Going outside and being surrounded by large crowds makes you feel uncomfortable, because you are able "tap" into other peoples and at times animals inner most emotions and actual intentions. One can almost say we "invade" into others privacy. 

One girl may smile at her boyfriend..but you can clearly see/feel that the girl did just a few days prior sleep with another man. And she no longer holds interest for this boyfriend. How is it fair that we can pick up on this? 

These are dilemmas all Empaths need to go through. How you choose to deal with it is up to you. However our Empathy can be useful in terms of encouraging our friends or family to pour out their insecurities, and help them with advice and make them feel better. And when you can see that grateful smile on their face, does it not make you feel "warm & fuzzy inside"? It certainly makes me feel that way

When I was in training as a nurse. I was told that I should not take upon myself the pain and suffering of the patients and their families. Because it could affect you as a nurse and the morale of the patient. This was Empathy..

But a few years prior when I was twelve years old my own spiritual gift of empathy had awoken. I remember being so frightened and confused. When the boys had a football hit their crotch..Ohhh how I could feel that! So if some boys/men are reading this I literally feel for you. I can see why you have to go to your knees. 

Oh! but enough about me...time to write down those healing techniques don't you think?

Basic Preperation: 

In all forms and versions of energy work. Energy is needed, as a Healer you will use from YOUR energy reserves to help another person. You will get tired when you have been out jogging. And feel refreshed once you have taken a shower or had something to eat.So to help building up energy you can do these things before beginning.

- Shower/ Take a Bath (A great way to gather energy and make your body relax)
- Eat (Preferably so that you do not feel hungry.)
- Drink (Something warm or cold. I would suggest tea, cocoa/hot chocolate, or cold water )
- Stretch (Your arms and legs and prepare yourself)
- Breathing exercise 2-3 times before you begin.

When the Healing Session is Over repeat the same as the above. This will prevent some of the occuring tiredness and possible headaches that so many experience.

Emotion Transfer: 

This technique is one of the first "accidental" healings an Empath may experience. You might try to comfort a classmate, a friend or a family member. Touching their arm or back by chance? And suddenly you may feel a surge or rush of energy swooping through your arm. And a few moments later you experience the exact emotions that entered you a few moments ago. The person who used to have these emotions now appear "back to normal" while you feel those emotions bubbling inside you.

I'd like to call this an incomplete healing technique. Because it happens so suddenly and most are unaware on how to get rid of the emotional impact. 

However I can give you one suggestion: Find something, a jar or box or go outside then close your eyes and tell the strange new energy to enter the item. Then close the lid and let it stay there. 

Recycling; Benefits for the Empath and Patient:

Recycling Healing is a personal technique of mine that I have evolved gradually. And it can be done both face to face and by long distance healing. 

First focus on locating the energy of your "target". This can be achievied by repeating the targets nickname/ or actual name. At this point you will be able to feel, a temporary connection with your targets own energy. Now it is up to you, to find the energy that needs recycling. The sensation of such energy be it negative or caused by some form of pain or suffering, can be experienced as a "pulse" "pull". You still with me? Good on to the next step..

You need to take this energy cup your hands together like a small bowl. And tell the energy to float into this bowl. When that is done, bring back the bowl outside your body. And then repeat slowly..."Negative to Positive, return to your original form." <-- you can make up your own repitive words that may work better for you. Since we are this far in the process, take the bowl from earlier and allow it to enter your body. Then take out an equal amount of your own energy into the bowl, and send it back to your target. This energy will "patch up" and adapt to what was removed from earlier.

Good Luck.

Empaths Reducing Touch:

 This is also a healing technique I have developed over the years. As Empaths we have a very unique role in seeing all sides of a person. Many times loved ones or people you know may suffer from a painful illness. We are not doctors of science, We are healers of the psyche and spirit. Let us say someone is in great pain and they are at deaths door? Us Empaths are unable to bring them back from their borderline. However we can with this little method...lessen the suffering and some pain. So that they either may heal accordingly or in a more sad situation die in peace..

Focus on the targets name. Connect with the energy and repeat as many times as you see fit

/Allow the pain to retreat, let this ....(person insert name) have some peace/

-Dampen the pain, reduce this suffering-  In all honesty I suggest you get creative and make something that makes sense to you. These are the words I prefer to use.

Well that was all for now. I hope you were able to learn some new techniques. Until the next post appears think and learn

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Sanguine and Psychic Vampires

Sanguine and Psychic Vampires

It has been quite a while since I last wrote a blog post. But here it is. In the past few weeks
 the awareness of sanguine and psychic vampires, seems to have jumped back into my
 life from the past of my early occult studies. By now you might be asking yourself: 
What is a Sanguine Vampire? What is a Psychic Vampire well first let us see what 
a dictionary has to say about that...


[sang- gwin] = In this topic the word sanguine refers to the Latin word sanguineus
 which means blood 


[vam-pahyuhr] =  What I knew of Vampires at first were from Slavic (Eastern European)
 myths. A vampire was usually dead relatives. Who had risen from their graves,
 their eyes would be bloodshot and extremely pale hue on their skin. 

(They were dead after all) And they could also turn their family members into vampires in 
all logics they were dead but not dead at the same time. 

This can be similar to zombies. To stop this movement of dead family members
 that could ruin whole villages, a priest and some others from the village. 
Would decapitate the head of the deceased, along with arms and legs and lay
 them at the bottom of the casket. This would prevent the dead from rising and to
 fetch their relatives. (My other blog Lore around the world goes further into this)


[sahy-kik] = From greek which indicates the soul. 

This was a bit background information. 

Modern Vampirism

In the past thirty to twenty years. A new interest in vampirism has increased gradually.
 Some people and maybe even you have played a game named Vampire The Masquerade. 
These people felt a connection to the vampires in this game. But what some of them 
realized later was that they were different than most of their fellow gamers. 
One of these people are Michelle Belanger and her books are well quite famous for the 
open topic of Psychic Vampires. 

This new awareness of people considering themselves to be vampires grew into a mixed 
sub culture in the eighties and nineties.
One half liked and felt comfortable in the role of a vampire. (sort of like a live in game) 
While others knew they were different. 
Their souls lacked something, to stay healthy.
 They gained or grew into unknown urges and wondered why?

Today we call this an awakening. It differs from the rest. 
These calling themselves Psychic Vampires need energy from people to manage
 day to day life. As for Sanguine Vampires who need blood from people, this may sound 
frightening but there has also been a lot of negative 
information about modern vampires over the years. 
“They are evil” “Leeches” “Their soul have tendrils making holes in your soul” 

Now that is not very nice to say is it? Of course we all stumble and crawl when we are 
babies learning to walk? The same happens when one awakens. 
Sanguine Vampires awaken the need to drink blood. 
The serious Sanguine Vampires follow strict hygiene and make sure to follow up on 
the medical records of those who willingly become their donors. 
Same applies to Psychic Vampires donors are people who willingly let themselves
 be fed on by modern vampires. 

Newly awakening Vampires are normally unaware that they take energy or that they 
need blood. People around them may easily become tired while the 
Psychic Vampire is in the room, and when the Psychic Vampire leaves people
become lively again.

My own little story
Now I did tell you earlier that I had a blast from the past with the renewed interest in this. 
So this all began with me searching the net about psychic abilities as amusing as that is,
 and I stumbled over a site which had vampires included in their title, now that I found funny 
but it was creative. But on that site, I discovered Otherkin, Psychic 
and Sanguine Vampires, Fairies, Angels…

It was a lot to take in for a complete beginner like me. So out of curiosity I did add a post with 
what abilities I had and allowed other members of this site to comment. But it surprised me 
when majority of them said Psychic Vampire, I thought it was impossible! Vampires belonged
 in myths and books it couldn’t be possible for others!? Or was it? For two years I worked on
 this and embraced the entitlement of Psychic Vampire it just “fit”. 
I was capable of feeding from others emotions especially sadness and anger, and it did make 
me more aware. But I also realised I left some of my own energy into the one I had accidently 
fed from. It scared me so many times, and I doubted many days and nights if it could make any 
form of logical sense. In this time is how I came to know of Michelle Belanger and her books,
 the first book I bought that she wrote was Vampires in Their Own Words:
 An Anthology of Vampire Voices. 

That explains in detail about the Vampire community, the occult influences and the many 
gathered houses where they met up and shared experiences. Quotes and thoughts from 
significant Vampires and leaders or most experienced Vampires in this sub culture community. 
Now today you might wonder how I have changed. I no longer apply the need to feed 
regularly however at times I may use it as a form of healing method. I personally call it 
recycling I take what is bothering a person…and return with the equal amount of energy
 I took away. 
I will still very strongly defend those who badmouth sanguine and psychic vampires. 
Although I will say not everyone follow a codex with rules. And some consider 
themselves above this. Which is why most, energy workers learn to shield as a 
basis and quite early in their studies.

Useful Links and Books:

Vampires in Their Own Words: An Anthology of Vampire Voices
 by Michelle Belanger.

The Psychic Vampire Codex: A Manual of Magick and Energy Work 
by Michelle Belanger

Vampyre Sanguinomicon: The Lexicon of the Living Vampire 
by Father Sebastiaan and Konstantinos.

Vampyre Virtues; The Red Veils by Father Sebastiaan

This is what I was able to share for this time around. 
I hope you had fun and see you next time!


Saturday, November 30, 2013

A Walker Between Worlds

It has been awhile now and it is about time you learn how I walk between spiritual realms. I'm 100% certain you have been through the common "fill yourself with pure light" and it will lead you to your destination. But like most times that does not work for me. And perhaps it has not given you the most appealing results for you either. So what I will do now is give you a little walkthrough

 (I will not dub this a guided meditation. It is a walkthrough how I experience it. You will have to evolve your own way eventually)

Now I want you to get comfortable, find a good set of music which you find sensible to make you relax a bit. Sometimes music themed to the realm you want to visit can help Celtic folk music if you aim for the fae realms of the british isle's as an example. (Find the music that makes YOU relax) You might have some candles or scented candles around, light them and let the coziness lay on your shoulders.

Close your eyes, feel the melody of the music or perhaps the flickering of the flames from the candles. Let your thoughts float around, think to yourself? Don't worry that is how it is meant to be.

After awhile you might be able to see at first complete darkness, and that a path lighting up ahead? Go follow it then! No need to dawdle with little me,

now this is where it becomes interesting is it a portal? a door? a gate? that appears at the end of the path? Or did you enter upon a crossroad? a forked road? Or do you happen to be one of those who walk into a tree or cave, was it perhaps a cave behind a waterfall?

The Door/ The Gate and Portal: This is the most common entrance to another realm or dimension, the exterior of the door/gate or portal, can give you a clue where you might be headed. Some may experience meeting either a spirit guide or a spirit guardian at these doors to help you along your journey. Some might not meet someone at the door. But just continue walk forward what is beyond the door is for your eyes only.

Back in the good old days doors and thresholds specifically indicated boundaries between this realm (where we as humans live) and the next one..In some cultures this is called the after life, some call it the otherworld its thousands of names to use for this so I don't know all of it. But think of this next time you stub your toe against a doors threshold maybe you just opened a way to the otherworld?

A Single Path: Is often a very good start as a beginner it can be alight like a garden path with lights on each side. Or covered with sides and a thick forest on each side as well. At times when a single path appears there is sometimes a lesson in wait, it can be spiritual or it can be a discovery to help you advance. Depending on your current situation in life, some dead relatives might take a chance to meet you along this path and talk to you. 

A path is an indicator of leading to a specific destination, where this destination is I cannot answer. An old assumption when people used to be lost in the forest it would be "Follow the river and we will find a village nearby" this was a common fact A river or water has been a major factor for creating settlements and villages for thousands of years

Forked Road: Now if you come across a forked road most think of a choice that needs to be taken. It is a very popular example in comics, and animated films. Sometimes most crucial incidents happen when the wrong choice is taken, but do not worry this is your travels in another realm. As long as your intentions are "right" for what you seek nothing will happen.  .Are you willing to take the less hidden path? What is around the next turn? you might wonder. Go on then, don't let me hold you back. Might it be the thrill of that more hidden path to the right that calls you?  

(These images are just examples of what you might come across it does not have to be a tree, it can be as simple as a pile of rocks that creates the forked road)

The Tree: The steady, never breaking tree. Wise and keeper of secrets, if there are nature spirits you are after perhaps a tree is what you will encounter. What I have experienced when I have been met with a tree, there commonly is "someone" waiting for me at the entrance. It can be a good idea to show them some respect or at least say "Hello" what is going on beyond that entrance depends on the realm and the ones who lives within the tree. If you are a Wiccan or a Pagan perhaps a god or goddess is awaiting you by this entrance. If you are openly spiritual it can be a spirit guide or a spirit animal...

Caves: For centuries upon eons caves have been a shroud of mysteries, in folktales and fairytales they hide treasures,in myths they lead to underworlds or realm of the dead. But in some old religions caves are called "the womb of the goddess" this is held in belief that the world began with a mother goddess who had a cauldron or cave, symbolically her belly where all creation came from. Inside these caves there can be many trials ahead of you, be it a labyrinth or a maze. On some occasions there might even be riddles for you to solve, and test your true intentions before you are allowed to enter. If you find yourself before a cave watch your words and mind, because reading thoughts is what they do best.

Water: The most well known threshold and barrier between this realm and the next is water, driven by the moon. Inspiration to mermaids, nymphs, nixes, kelpies and selkies...

The nourishment of thriving settlements and village, still a boundary with caution because of the many spiritual associations happening. When you encounter water at the end of your chosen path, be it a river, the beach, a lake, a pond, a waterfall.. Get a good look at your surroundings because around water things can change quickly, in my own "starting realm" there is a river that leads to a waterfall. '

Once a Unicorn was waiting for me exactly by the edge of the water, quite odd isn't it? Another time it was a lake at the edge of a forest and a huge island suddenly appeared out of nowhere. At the time this was the Isle of Apples or also known as Avalon, notably old kings of the British Isle's and their courts have their final rest here. But it is also the resemblance of an old religion that we can get brief information of through myths, legends and fictional books. 

The reason I can write so much about water, is because I live on an island and along the coast I know it quite well. Visions, psychic awareness, spiritual encounters are often connected with water be it a test or a basin you are able to gaze into. You never know what you might see, perhaps it is something from a traumatic past, is it a forgotten memory from your childhood? I don't know the answer for you but you may or may not find out when you are ready. It is a source of the most simple cleansing, with just a bath or a shower. Time to show the new you to the world, enjoy your swim.

Are you a Walker Between Worlds?

Personally I believe that everyone can do it. Be it from methods from books, from a CD with a guided meditation, or simply during a vivid/lucid dreams. There are hundreds of ways to reach this state but the experience differs each and every time. I think i have had affirmed ability of walking between worlds since I was 14... however new and fresh I was it was still very much real. I kind of felt like the girl in the picture to the right. Filled with wonder and fantastic abilities almost like a fairytale, is it real? Yes it can as real as you want to make it, I have a firm belief in this because of my experiences.

Walk where you feel like going. Make friends with the spiritual beings you meet along your way. And if the friendship is honest, next time all you have to do is ask..."Bring me there"? And you can while you are conscious walk into another world and still be functional in this world.

This will be something I may explain in further detail at a later time for now. I hope you take good time and do not stress with finishing this. It is not a contest but a developing journey for your own benefit.

See you in the next world? Perhaps...

Monday, October 28, 2013

Hearth Witch, settled on The Hedge...

Welcome to new readers, and welcome back to old readers.
Now I have mentioned these spiritual paths before, not completely new. Yet not entirely old.
This post will begin with a quote from a book simply named "Hearth Witch" (a book written by Anna Franklin)
"A few years ago I invented the term 'Hearth Witch' to describe the witch who sees the sacred within the physical, the magical in the mundane, and uses this knowledge to incorporate spiritual practice into her everyday life. 

The way of the Hearth Witch is an uncomplicated, direct form of magic, deceptively simple and unspeakably profound. She draws her strength from the sacred flame that burns in her hearth, from the earth that sustains her, the water that nourishes her, and the inspiration of her breath. She finds her gods in the land around her: the spirits of water, stone and tree, Earth, Moon, Sun, Stars and Sky. 

She needs no watch, calendar or magical almanac to tell her when to work her magic, but works with the observable ebb and flow of the changing seasons, the rising and setting of the sun, and the waxing and waning of the moon.

 A Hearth Witch is drawn to the traditional ways, the rhythms of nature and the call of the wildwoods. The Hearth Witch of today inherits the mantle of the village wise woman or cunning man. She is part shaman, part seer, part herbalist, part spiritual healer, and all witch. Hers are the Old Ways of the countryside, once passed down from mother to daughter, father to son, crone to apprentice. It is as old as time and as new as the newest witch."

Truthfully I couldn't agree more with Franklin's perspective. But I think you are more interested in how I came to write about this?

Well first of all if you have read some of my former posts. I'm truthfully not very complex in my path of spiritual choice. I like things to be simple, and whatever tools I have are mainly from nature. I feel connections to Vetter (land spirits/fae) around the area I live in and have had that connection since I was a little girl. I do wonder sometimes why that belief never left me, I can feel the brewing storms at sea, the chill that tells of the first snow...subtle changes that few would know how..

Deities:  Like many spiritual paths there does appear some significant deities in this form of magical spirituality. Now what you will see just below here is some basic information of each deity mentioned in the book "Hearth Witch" but you can always find your own fiery deities.


A Goddess of Fire from the Celtic Pantheon a former Sun Goddess. Known for her triple aspects and attributes with poetry, patron to blacksmiths and those of the smith craft, healing, agriculture, childbirth, hearth and home. People used to draw her cross upon the mantle of their fireplaces and hearths for protection. They made them out of straw from the last sheaths of barley or maybe even oats. 

Her well known Festival these days is Imbolc or Candle mass as the clever Catholics named it. It is a welcoming  of the spring to arrive and the frost to remove its claws from the soil .I personally experience Brighid as a kind of grandmother, ready to guide and prepared to reprimand for my bad mouth. 


Hestia is from the Greek Pantheon, and she is a Goddess of Hearth and Home. She is also a sworn virgin Goddess of her own choice .Her place of worship is every hearth in ancient Greece. Although they say her form is in the fire only and that is the reason why she was never given a statuette or depicted in art. She is also the guardian of the sacred Fire on mount Olympus. Although not so much art associated with Hestia in the past, modern artists certainly have given their try.


Vesta is Hestia's roman equal however their stories do vary a tidbit..
She is became the personification of the public hearth, and therefore her popularity increased more as her cult, stretched and gathered romans as an equal extended family. 

Hearth & Hedge:

 The Hearth shapes the foundation of the earliest settlements as a bonfire, it creates, destroys and sometimes heals. We as humans built tents, and eventually houses that surround the hearth, if you no longer have a hearth with fire wood, an electrical stove used in cooking can be just as useful. Or just light a candle...For a Hearth Witch this is his/her altar. You can gaze into the fire to read the crackles in the burning wood, predict the weather, read the future, help yourself and your family. The fire of a hearth gathers family, or you cuddle up and just lean back into your favorite seat or chair. You hear the violent crackles, the sizzling of slightly wet wood, and the wizzing of burning paper...that can be counted magical?

A Hedge is a boundary between civilization...and the unknown wildwood's... soo then a Hearth Witch, Share the same knowledge as a Hedgewitch, and a Kitchen Witch. The wild horn blows the calling into your ears, the wind rustles your hair. The tree's and animals "talk", the spirits in the herbs and stones whisper soft words of warnings and their stories. 

Maybe they are the same paths but with different roads of understanding. A Kitchen Witch, creates her magic in the mundane kitchen, to fill others with nourishment and happiness. A Hedgewitch keep watch of the forest and nature in their area. They walk and keep balance between the spiritual and physical. While a Hearth Witch becomes the combination of these two?

Book Suggestions:

Hedge Witch: A Guide to Solitary Witchcraft by Rae Beth
 - Over the years Beth has written several more books adding to her first book on the subject around the early 90's
Green Witchcraft: Folk Magic, Fairy Lore & Herb Craft (Green Witchcraft Series) by Ann Moura
 - Quite many stumble over this author from time to time. And although at a very beginners level,the recommendations from others have not been negative.
Hearth Witch (The Eight Paths of Magic) by Anna Franklin - My absolute favorite author out of the others.

Before I end this blog for this time. I will suggest that those of you who do read this, study into local lore, herbs and spices special in your area and fairy magic. Also old herbal remedies if that is of interest to you. 

I cannot claim to be an expert, however I do like to share what I have learned to know. bye for now 

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Spirituality at the most quirky level

In these nightly hours I will do something different and write a what do we call it again? Ah! Recommendation! Of one site that may or may not appeal to you. Like many web communities their goal is to gather people of a similar mindset. When I first stumbled over some of these similar sites in my early spiritual searches.It becomes almost like opening that old fairytale book you used to love as a child...

At times it is like a thrill of "This is just what I need!" Other times you become the curious skeptic, observing, listening, processing information. It is and does create the impression of a constant library but isn't that life? learning something new every day?
 Ah! no no...don't touch the sparkly beakers...wait till you learn more...

.Many consider these communities to become their second homes. Other times you may feel intense pressure and lack of understanding and then you leave.. Sadly that becomes the end of many networks, forums and chat rooms.

Some posts ago I gave you some general information about Starseeds. And the site I will recommend is called Starseed Network they have their rough times and many of its members do aim for their spiritual jobs to be fulfilled some are healers of animals and people alike. And believe in doing good...the right thing.

Of course I will not say this site is perfection, but it is growing and reaching out to many people and species of different worlds. I have had my bad experiences on this very site, but then the selective special few is a reason for me to stay.

Is a reason that makes me stay, I might even greet you with a poem as a new member.. ack..maybe to old fashioned for you?

Passing by the small things that could change your future of understanding
And perhaps my own. Now I will not force you to visit Starseed Network, just...think about what I have said.. 

 To me Starseeds is a bit of a small sanctuary. Although I get bitten on a close to daily basis, I will not hesitate to bite back. And maybe just maybe one of you, happen to be some who have had. A loose tongue and tarnished the reputation of other sites. That is not good manners mind you...yes you..

Hundreds of differences and aspects of spirituality. May not apply to you? a tiiiinnnnyyy example?

Dark and ebil boo!

Ok poor example? Maybe a tiny bit...see my point here is although some embrace their spiritual jobs in purest love and light. But people like me, who prefer the earthly comfortable darkness of nourishment, like the rich soil. Some misunderstand this as evil..but in my spiritual beliefs it is not.

So now when This post has to come to an end. What better than these two lovely images to show some "diversity of being" One is starishly bright and blue and the blazing crimson hue glazes with wisdom from old stars and new ones to.

Maybe I'll see you around those web community corners, or will you hold out till my next post flies up too?

Monday, September 23, 2013

My Soul, Myself, yet not..."me"

I seem to be on a good roll of posts around these times so now I will speak of the...
Soul! But first i'm going to add some boring etymology to the word soul before we begin properly.

A soul is?


the principle of life, feeling, thought, and action in humans, regarded as a distinct entity separatefrom the body, and commonly held to be separable in existence from the body; the spiritual part ofhumans as distinct from the physical part.
the spiritual part of humans regarded in its moral aspect, or as believed to survive death and besubject to happiness or misery in a life to come: arguing the immortality of the soul.
the disembodied spirit of a deceased person: He feared the soul of the deceased would haunt him.
the emotional part of human naturethe seat of the feelings or sentiments.
a human being; person.

before 900; Middle English; Old English sāwl, sāwol;  cognate with Dutch ziel, German Seele, Old Norse sāl,Gothic saiwala

You all got this down I hope? Lovely now lets continue to my own view of the soul.

My Soul is...

I see my soul as a mirror, my past incarnations are divided into the reflections and sides of this mirror. One side one part of wisdom, an emotion, a personality trait...all these things reflect my soul. 

I have been told by so many that I am such a confusing person. "It is so difficult to grasp your personality. One minute you are social and laughing.The next minute you become serious and focus on more important tasks. Its like you become a whole new person" 

Was the words from my teacher a few years ago. He said this in such a way that made me wonder. Do I have multiple personalities? Noo way...I thought that can't be right, sure ok I do talk to myself but who doesn't do that?

Then I thought back to how my life had shaped me. I was bullied, ridiculed, taught things other children my age found disgusting. I found earth worms, beetles and toads cute! They ARE cute! So being serious is one... another...lets see if I can show you apart of me that is my special mind space, this is also apart of myself and my soul  
This is awfully similar to my mind space, my own hideout inside my...mind...the clucking river, stone altar a distance from the river itself, and where all the paths cross a giant tree...where doors to other worlds open...and I can't forget the waterfall with the cave behind...

You all have your own mind spaces. Maybe it is similar to my forest grove?

How others see the soul?

Some Christians see the Soul as the sacred body that is able to communicate with god. Both our physical and spiritual body is a temple so God can take place and share his love. Henceforth you should treat body and spirit as such a "temple"(translation) = Take care of your body so it will stay healthy, keep a healthy psyche (mind) and you will have a good life.

Some believe the soul is influenced by what our brain does. 

Some believe the soul is a complicated matter of energy, chi,qi..

Quite many who have read fiction, new age and neo paganism since the 60's and 70's Have become more aware of things they never thought of until THAT one story struck a cord within their "soul"?
This train of thought can apply to many awareness groups and I can only mention a few of those I have come across

New Agers, Starseeds, Otherkin, Vampire communities and lifestyles, curious people with spiritual interests and hobbies.

"Dearest child carry many names alike"

This is a saying from my country and the reason why I'm using it here is because it will fit so well.

The Soul has many names, different meanings the same "essential function" and these names are..

Spirit, Astral Self, Higher Self, The You of the Past, Currently yourself, Conscious, Subconsciousness, psyche, apart of the holy ghost..

This is how my current post will end. Because my soul is weary and my words have been sent..

until next time enjoy!