
Saturday, March 15, 2014

Sanguine and Psychic Vampires

Sanguine and Psychic Vampires

It has been quite a while since I last wrote a blog post. But here it is. In the past few weeks
 the awareness of sanguine and psychic vampires, seems to have jumped back into my
 life from the past of my early occult studies. By now you might be asking yourself: 
What is a Sanguine Vampire? What is a Psychic Vampire well first let us see what 
a dictionary has to say about that...


[sang- gwin] = In this topic the word sanguine refers to the Latin word sanguineus
 which means blood 


[vam-pahyuhr] =  What I knew of Vampires at first were from Slavic (Eastern European)
 myths. A vampire was usually dead relatives. Who had risen from their graves,
 their eyes would be bloodshot and extremely pale hue on their skin. 

(They were dead after all) And they could also turn their family members into vampires in 
all logics they were dead but not dead at the same time. 

This can be similar to zombies. To stop this movement of dead family members
 that could ruin whole villages, a priest and some others from the village. 
Would decapitate the head of the deceased, along with arms and legs and lay
 them at the bottom of the casket. This would prevent the dead from rising and to
 fetch their relatives. (My other blog Lore around the world goes further into this)


[sahy-kik] = From greek which indicates the soul. 

This was a bit background information. 

Modern Vampirism

In the past thirty to twenty years. A new interest in vampirism has increased gradually.
 Some people and maybe even you have played a game named Vampire The Masquerade. 
These people felt a connection to the vampires in this game. But what some of them 
realized later was that they were different than most of their fellow gamers. 
One of these people are Michelle Belanger and her books are well quite famous for the 
open topic of Psychic Vampires. 

This new awareness of people considering themselves to be vampires grew into a mixed 
sub culture in the eighties and nineties.
One half liked and felt comfortable in the role of a vampire. (sort of like a live in game) 
While others knew they were different. 
Their souls lacked something, to stay healthy.
 They gained or grew into unknown urges and wondered why?

Today we call this an awakening. It differs from the rest. 
These calling themselves Psychic Vampires need energy from people to manage
 day to day life. As for Sanguine Vampires who need blood from people, this may sound 
frightening but there has also been a lot of negative 
information about modern vampires over the years. 
“They are evil” “Leeches” “Their soul have tendrils making holes in your soul” 

Now that is not very nice to say is it? Of course we all stumble and crawl when we are 
babies learning to walk? The same happens when one awakens. 
Sanguine Vampires awaken the need to drink blood. 
The serious Sanguine Vampires follow strict hygiene and make sure to follow up on 
the medical records of those who willingly become their donors. 
Same applies to Psychic Vampires donors are people who willingly let themselves
 be fed on by modern vampires. 

Newly awakening Vampires are normally unaware that they take energy or that they 
need blood. People around them may easily become tired while the 
Psychic Vampire is in the room, and when the Psychic Vampire leaves people
become lively again.

My own little story
Now I did tell you earlier that I had a blast from the past with the renewed interest in this. 
So this all began with me searching the net about psychic abilities as amusing as that is,
 and I stumbled over a site which had vampires included in their title, now that I found funny 
but it was creative. But on that site, I discovered Otherkin, Psychic 
and Sanguine Vampires, Fairies, Angels…

It was a lot to take in for a complete beginner like me. So out of curiosity I did add a post with 
what abilities I had and allowed other members of this site to comment. But it surprised me 
when majority of them said Psychic Vampire, I thought it was impossible! Vampires belonged
 in myths and books it couldn’t be possible for others!? Or was it? For two years I worked on
 this and embraced the entitlement of Psychic Vampire it just “fit”. 
I was capable of feeding from others emotions especially sadness and anger, and it did make 
me more aware. But I also realised I left some of my own energy into the one I had accidently 
fed from. It scared me so many times, and I doubted many days and nights if it could make any 
form of logical sense. In this time is how I came to know of Michelle Belanger and her books,
 the first book I bought that she wrote was Vampires in Their Own Words:
 An Anthology of Vampire Voices. 

That explains in detail about the Vampire community, the occult influences and the many 
gathered houses where they met up and shared experiences. Quotes and thoughts from 
significant Vampires and leaders or most experienced Vampires in this sub culture community. 
Now today you might wonder how I have changed. I no longer apply the need to feed 
regularly however at times I may use it as a form of healing method. I personally call it 
recycling I take what is bothering a person…and return with the equal amount of energy
 I took away. 
I will still very strongly defend those who badmouth sanguine and psychic vampires. 
Although I will say not everyone follow a codex with rules. And some consider 
themselves above this. Which is why most, energy workers learn to shield as a 
basis and quite early in their studies.

Useful Links and Books:

Vampires in Their Own Words: An Anthology of Vampire Voices
 by Michelle Belanger.

The Psychic Vampire Codex: A Manual of Magick and Energy Work 
by Michelle Belanger

Vampyre Sanguinomicon: The Lexicon of the Living Vampire 
by Father Sebastiaan and Konstantinos.

Vampyre Virtues; The Red Veils by Father Sebastiaan

This is what I was able to share for this time around. 
I hope you had fun and see you next time!


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